39 $this->
widget = new \YAWK\widget();
50 public function init()
53 echo $this->
getHeading($this->fbPostHeading, $this->fbPostSubtext);
64 if (isset($this->fbPostEmbedCode) && (!empty($this->fbPostEmbedCode)))
66 $this->fbPostEmbedCode = str_replace(
"width=\"$this->fbPostWidth\"", $this->fbPostEmbedCode);
67 $this->fbPostEmbedCode = str_replace(
"height=\"$this->fbPostHeight\"", $this->fbPostEmbedCode);
74 echo
"Unable to load Facebook Posting: Embed html code is not set or empty.";
Facebook Like Page - embed like my facebook page.
Load all widget settings from database and fill object.
Embed any public facebook posting on your page.
Init facebook posting.
if(isset($_POST['save'])) $settings