YaWK  24.1
Yet another WebKit
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * FuckAdBlock 3.2.1
3  * Copyright (c) 2015 Valentin Allaire <[email protected]>
4  * Released under the MIT license
5  * https://github.com/sitexw/FuckAdBlock
6  */
8 (function(window) {
9  var FuckAdBlock = function(options) {
10  this._options = {
11  checkOnLoad: false,
12  resetOnEnd: false,
13  loopCheckTime: 50,
14  loopMaxNumber: 5,
15  baitClass: 'pub_300x250 pub_300x250m pub_728x90 text-ad textAd text_ad text_ads text-ads text-ad-links',
16  baitStyle: 'width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; position: absolute !important; left: -10000px !important; top: -1000px !important;',
17  debug: false
18  };
19  this._var = {
20  version: '3.2.1',
21  bait: null,
22  checking: false,
23  loop: null,
24  loopNumber: 0,
25  event: { detected: [], notDetected: [] }
26  };
27  if(options !== undefined) {
28  this.setOption(options);
29  }
30  var self = this;
31  var eventCallback = function() {
32  setTimeout(function() {
33  if(self._options.checkOnLoad === true) {
34  if(self._options.debug === true) {
35  self._log('onload->eventCallback', 'A check loading is launched');
36  }
37  if(self._var.bait === null) {
38  self._creatBait();
39  }
40  setTimeout(function() {
41  self.check();
42  }, 1);
43  }
44  }, 1);
45  };
46  if(window.addEventListener !== undefined) {
47  window.addEventListener('load', eventCallback, false);
48  } else {
49  window.attachEvent('onload', eventCallback);
50  }
51  };
52  FuckAdBlock.prototype._options = null;
53  FuckAdBlock.prototype._var = null;
54  FuckAdBlock.prototype._bait = null;
56  FuckAdBlock.prototype._log = function(method, message) {
57  console.log('[FuckAdBlock]['+method+'] '+message);
58  };
60  FuckAdBlock.prototype.setOption = function(options, value) {
61  if(value !== undefined) {
62  var key = options;
63  options = {};
64  options[key] = value;
65  }
66  for(var option in options) {
67  this._options[option] = options[option];
68  if(this._options.debug === true) {
69  this._log('setOption', 'The option "'+option+'" he was assigned to "'+options[option]+'"');
70  }
71  }
72  return this;
73  };
75  FuckAdBlock.prototype._creatBait = function() {
76  var bait = document.createElement('div');
77  bait.setAttribute('class', this._options.baitClass);
78  bait.setAttribute('style', this._options.baitStyle);
79  this._var.bait = window.document.body.appendChild(bait);
81  this._var.bait.offsetParent;
82  this._var.bait.offsetHeight;
83  this._var.bait.offsetLeft;
84  this._var.bait.offsetTop;
85  this._var.bait.offsetWidth;
86  this._var.bait.clientHeight;
87  this._var.bait.clientWidth;
89  if(this._options.debug === true) {
90  this._log('_creatBait', 'Bait has been created');
91  }
92  };
93  FuckAdBlock.prototype._destroyBait = function() {
94  window.document.body.removeChild(this._var.bait);
95  this._var.bait = null;
97  if(this._options.debug === true) {
98  this._log('_destroyBait', 'Bait has been removed');
99  }
100  };
102  FuckAdBlock.prototype.check = function(loop) {
103  if(loop === undefined) {
104  loop = true;
105  }
107  if(this._options.debug === true) {
108  this._log('check', 'An audit was requested '+(loop===true?'with a':'without')+' loop');
109  }
111  if(this._var.checking === true) {
112  if(this._options.debug === true) {
113  this._log('check', 'A check was canceled because there is already an ongoing');
114  }
115  return false;
116  }
117  this._var.checking = true;
119  if(this._var.bait === null) {
120  this._creatBait();
121  }
123  var self = this;
124  this._var.loopNumber = 0;
125  if(loop === true) {
126  this._var.loop = setInterval(function() {
127  self._checkBait(loop);
128  }, this._options.loopCheckTime);
129  }
130  setTimeout(function() {
131  self._checkBait(loop);
132  }, 1);
133  if(this._options.debug === true) {
134  this._log('check', 'A check is in progress ...');
135  }
137  return true;
138  };
139  FuckAdBlock.prototype._checkBait = function(loop) {
140  var detected = false;
142  if(this._var.bait === null) {
143  this._creatBait();
144  }
146  if(window.document.body.getAttribute('abp') !== null
147  || this._var.bait.offsetParent === null
148  || this._var.bait.offsetHeight == 0
149  || this._var.bait.offsetLeft == 0
150  || this._var.bait.offsetTop == 0
151  || this._var.bait.offsetWidth == 0
152  || this._var.bait.clientHeight == 0
153  || this._var.bait.clientWidth == 0) {
154  detected = true;
155  }
156  if(window.getComputedStyle !== undefined) {
157  var baitTemp = window.getComputedStyle(this._var.bait, null);
158  if(baitTemp && (baitTemp.getPropertyValue('display') == 'none' || baitTemp.getPropertyValue('visibility') == 'hidden')) {
159  detected = true;
160  }
161  }
163  if(this._options.debug === true) {
164  this._log('_checkBait', 'A check ('+(this._var.loopNumber+1)+'/'+this._options.loopMaxNumber+' ~'+(1+this._var.loopNumber*this._options.loopCheckTime)+'ms) was conducted and detection is '+(detected===true?'positive':'negative'));
165  }
167  if(loop === true) {
168  this._var.loopNumber++;
169  if(this._var.loopNumber >= this._options.loopMaxNumber) {
170  this._stopLoop();
171  }
172  }
174  if(detected === true) {
175  this._stopLoop();
176  this._destroyBait();
177  this.emitEvent(true);
178  if(loop === true) {
179  this._var.checking = false;
180  }
181  } else if(this._var.loop === null || loop === false) {
182  this._destroyBait();
183  this.emitEvent(false);
184  if(loop === true) {
185  this._var.checking = false;
186  }
187  }
188  };
189  FuckAdBlock.prototype._stopLoop = function(detected) {
190  clearInterval(this._var.loop);
191  this._var.loop = null;
192  this._var.loopNumber = 0;
194  if(this._options.debug === true) {
195  this._log('_stopLoop', 'A loop has been stopped');
196  }
197  };
199  FuckAdBlock.prototype.emitEvent = function(detected) {
200  if(this._options.debug === true) {
201  this._log('emitEvent', 'An event with a '+(detected===true?'positive':'negative')+' detection was called');
202  }
204  var fns = this._var.event[(detected===true?'detected':'notDetected')];
205  for(var i in fns) {
206  if(this._options.debug === true) {
207  this._log('emitEvent', 'Call function '+(parseInt(i)+1)+'/'+fns.length);
208  }
209  if(fns.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
210  fns[i]();
211  }
212  }
213  if(this._options.resetOnEnd === true) {
214  this.clearEvent();
215  }
216  return this;
217  };
218  FuckAdBlock.prototype.clearEvent = function() {
219  this._var.event.detected = [];
220  this._var.event.notDetected = [];
222  if(this._options.debug === true) {
223  this._log('clearEvent', 'The event list has been cleared');
224  }
225  };
227  FuckAdBlock.prototype.on = function(detected, fn) {
228  this._var.event[(detected===true?'detected':'notDetected')].push(fn);
229  if(this._options.debug === true) {
230  this._log('on', 'A type of event "'+(detected===true?'detected':'notDetected')+'" was added');
231  }
233  return this;
234  };
235  FuckAdBlock.prototype.onDetected = function(fn) {
236  return this.on(true, fn);
237  };
238  FuckAdBlock.prototype.onNotDetected = function(fn) {
239  return this.on(false, fn);
240  };
242  window.FuckAdBlock = FuckAdBlock;
244  if(window.fuckAdBlock === undefined) {
245  window.fuckAdBlock = new FuckAdBlock({
246  checkOnLoad: true,
247  resetOnEnd: true
248  });
249  }
250 })(window);
function window
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:8
FuckAdBlock prototype _var
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:53
FuckAdBlock prototype emitEvent
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:199
FuckAdBlock prototype clearEvent
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:218
FuckAdBlock prototype _log
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:56
FuckAdBlock prototype _options
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:52
FuckAdBlock prototype setOption
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:60
FuckAdBlock prototype _creatBait
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:75
FuckAdBlock prototype _stopLoop
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:189
FuckAdBlock prototype on
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:227
window FuckAdBlock
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:242
FuckAdBlock prototype _destroyBait
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:93
c jPlayer event
function i(e, t)
Definition: plyr.js:1
Definition: plyr.js:1