YaWK  24.1
Yet another WebKit
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 // check if language is set
3 use YAWK\db;
4 use YAWK\language;
5 use YAWK\template;
6 use YAWK\user;
8 if (!isset($db)){
9  $db = new db();
10 }
11 if (!isset($language) || (!isset($lang)))
12 { // inject (add) language tags to core $lang array
13  $lang = language::inject(@$lang, "../system/plugins/signup/language/");
14 }
15 if (!isset($user)){
16  $user = new user($db);
17 }
18 if (!isset($template)){
19  $template = new template($db);
20 }
21 // include '../system/plugins/signup/classes/signup.php';
22 include '../system/plugins/signup/classes/backend.php';
24  // TEMPLATE WRAPPER - HEADER & breadcrumbs
25  echo "
26  <!-- Content Wrapper. Contains page content -->
27  <div class=\"content-wrapper\" id=\"content-FX\">
28  <!-- Content Header (Page header) -->
29  <section class=\"content-header\">";
30  /* draw Title on top */
31  echo \YAWK\backend::getTitle($lang['SIGNUP'], $lang['SIGNUP_SUBTEXT']);
32  echo"<ol class=\"breadcrumb\">
33  <li><a href=\"index.php\" title=\"$lang[DASHBOARD]\"><i class=\"fa fa-dashboard\"></i> $lang[DASHBOARD]</a></li>
34  <li class=\"active\"><a href=\"index.php?page=pages\" title=\"$lang[PAGES]\"> $lang[PAGES]</a></li>
35  </ol>
36  </section>
37  <!-- Main content -->
38  <section class=\"content\">";
39  /* page content start here */
42 if (isset($_POST['sent']))
43 { // user clicked on save signup settings
44  if ($_POST['sent'] === '1')
45  {
46  foreach ($_POST as $property => $value)
47  { // loop trough properties
48  if ($property != "sent")
49  { // check setting and call corresponding function
50  if (substr($property, -5, 5) == '-long')
52  if (!\YAWK\settings::setLongSetting($db, $property, $value))
53  { // throw error
54  \YAWK\alert::draw("warning", "$lang[ERROR]", "Long Settings: Could not set long value <b>$value</b> of property <b>$property</b>","plugin=signup","4800");
55  }
56  }
57  else if (substr($property, -4, 4) == '-tpl')
59  if (!\YAWK\settings::setTemplateSetting($db, $property, $value))
60  { // throw error
61  \YAWK\alert::draw("warning", "Error", "Template Settings: Could not set template setting <b>$value</b> of property <b>$property</b>","plugin=signup","4800");
62  }
63  }
65  else if ($property == "signup_tospage")
66  { // check terms of service filename
67  if (empty($_POST['signup_tospage']))
68  { // set default filename
69  $value="terms-of-service"; // set default value
70  }
71  // set terms of service setting
72  if (!\YAWK\settings::setSetting($db, $property, $value, $lang))
73  { // throw error
74  \YAWK\alert::draw("warning", "Error!", "Settings: Could not set value <b>$value</b> of property <b>$property</b>","plugin=signup","4800");
75  }
76  // array to help create terms of service page
77  $plugin = array("tos", $_POST['signup_tospage'], $_POST['signup_terms-long']);
78  if (!\YAWK\plugin::createPluginPage($db, $_POST['signup_tospage'], $plugin))
79  { // throw error
80  \YAWK\alert::draw("danger","Error!", "Could not create terms of service page.", "","");
81  }
82  }
84  else if ($property == "gid")
85  { //
86  \YAWK\PLUGINS\SIGNUP\backend::setAllowedGroup($db, $value);
87  }
88  else
89  { // any other setting
91  }
92  }
93  } // ./ end foreach
94  }
95 }
97 // get layout settings
99 if ($layout === 'left') {
100  $leftHtml = "checked";
101 } else {
102  $leftHtml = "";
103 }
104 if ($layout === 'right') {
105  $rightHtml = "checked";
106 } else {
107  $rightHtml = "";
108 }
109 if ($layout === 'plain') {
110  $plainHtml = "checked";
111 } else {
112  $plainHtml = "";
113 }
114 if ($layout === 'center') {
115  $centerHtml = "checked";
116 } else {
117  $centerHtml = "";
118 }
120 // get aditional field settings
121 // set checkbox status
122  // firstname
123  if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_firstname") === '1') {
124  $firstnameHtml = "checked";
125  }else {
126  $firstnameHtml = "";
127  }
128  // lastname
129  if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_lastname") === '1') {
130  $lastnameHtml = "checked";
131  } else {
132  $lastnameHtml = "";
133  }
134  // street
135  if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_street") === '1') {
136  $streetHtml = "checked";
137  } else {
138  $streetHtml = "";
139  }
140  // zipcode
141  if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_zipcode") === '1') {
142  $zipcodeHtml = "checked";
143  } else {
144  $zipcodeHtml = "";
145  }
146  // city
147  if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_city") === '1') {
148  $cityHtml = "checked";
149  } else {
150  $cityHtml = "";
151  }
152  // country
153  if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_country") === '1') {
154  $countryHtml = "checked";
155  } else {
156  $countryHtml = "";
157  }
159 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_gid") === '0'){
160  $gidHtmlOn = "";
161  $gidHtmlOff = "checked";
162 } else {
163  $gidHtmlOn = "checked";
165 }
167 // USER PAGE TAB SETTINGS (checkboxes status)
168 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "userpage_hellogroup") === '1'){
169  $hellogroupHtml = "checked"; }
170  else {
171  $hellogroupHtml = "";
172  }
173 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "userpage_hello") === '1'){
174  $helloHtml = "checked"; }
175  else {
176  $helloHtml = "";
177  }
178 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "userpage_msgplugin") === '1'){
179  $msgpluginHtml = "checked"; }
180  else {
181  $msgpluginHtml = "";
182  }
183 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "userpage_settings") === '1'){
184  $settingsHtml = "checked"; }
185  else {
186  $settingsHtml = "";
187  }
188 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "userpage_stats") === '1'){
189  $statsHtml = "checked"; }
190 else {
191  $statsHtml = "";
192 }
193 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "userpage_help") === '1'){
194  $helpHtml = "checked"; }
195  else {
196  $helpHtml = "";
197  }
198 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "userpage_profile") === '1'){
199  $profileHtml = "checked"; }
200  else {
201  $profileHtml = "";
202  }
203 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "userpage_admin") === '1'){
204  $adminHtml = "checked"; }
205  else {
206  $adminHtml = "";
207  }
208 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "userpage_dashboard") === '1'){
209  $dashboardHtml = "checked"; }
210  else {
211  $dashboardHtml = "";
212  }
213 if (\YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_adultcheck") === '1'){
214  $adultCheckHtml = "checked"; }
215 else {
216  $adultCheckHtml = "";
217 }
219 ?>
220 <script type="text/javascript" src="../system/plugins/signup/js/admin.js"></script>
222 <div class="box box-default">
223  <div class="box-body">
224 <form action="index.php?plugin=signup" class="form-inline" role="form" name="settings" method="POST">
225  <!-- Nav tabs -->
226  <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">
227  <li role="presentation" class="active"><a href="#layout" aria-controls="layout" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-object-group"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[LAYOUT]"; ?></a>
228  </li>
229  <li role="presentation"><a href="#groups" aria-controls="groups" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-users"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[USER_GROUPS]"; ?></a></li>
230  <li role="presentation"><a href="#fields" aria-controls="fields" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[MANDATORY_FIELDS]"; ?></a></li>
231  <li role="presentation"><a href="#text" aria-controls="text" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[TEXT_BTN_STYLE]"; ?></a></li>
232  <li role="presentation"><a href="#termstab" aria-controls="termstab" role="tab" data-toggle="tab"><i class="fa fa-legal"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[TERMS_OF_SERVICE]"; ?></a></li>
233  </ul>
235  <!-- Tab panes -->
236  <div class="tab-content">
237  <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in active" id="layout">
238  <fieldset>
239  <!-- SUBMIT BUTTON -->
240  <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right" value="<?php print $lang['SETTINGS_SAVE']; ?>">
241  <input type="hidden" name="sent" value="1">
242  </fieldset>
243  <!-- layout -->
244  <fieldset>
245  <legend><i class="fa fa-object-group"></i> &nbsp;<?php print "$lang[LAYOUT] <small>$lang[LAYOUT_SUBTEXT]</small>"; ?></legend>
246  <input type="radio" id="layout_p" name="signup_layout" class="form-control" value="plain" <?php echo $plainHtml;?>>
247  <label for="layout_p"><?php print "$lang[COL_LAYOUT_1]"; ?></label><br>
248  <input type="radio" id="layout_r" name="signup_layout" class="form-control" value="right" <?php echo $rightHtml;?>>
249  <label for="layout_r"><?php print "$lang[COL_LAYOUT_2]"; ?></label><br>
250  <input type="radio" id="layout_l" name="signup_layout" class="form-control" value="left" <?php echo $leftHtml;?>>
251  <label for="layout_l"><?php print "$lang[COL_LAYOUT_3]"; ?></label><br>
252  <input type="radio" id="layout_c" name="signup_layout" class="form-control" value="center" <?php echo $centerHtml;?>>
253  <label for="layout_c"><?php print "$lang[COL_LAYOUT_4]"; ?></label><br><br><br>
254  </fieldset>
255  <!-- title text -->
256  <fieldset>
257  <legend><i class="fa fa-header"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_TITLE_TEXT] <small>$lang[SIGNUP_TITLE_SUBTEXT]</small>"; ?></legend>
258  <label for="title"><?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_TITLE_TEXT] <small>($lang[SIGNUP_TITLE_LABEL_SUBTEXT])</small>"; ?></label><br>
259  <input type="text" id="title" name="signup_title" class="form-control" size="64" value="<?php echo \YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_title");?>" title="<?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_TITLE_TEXT]"; ?>"><br><br><br>
260  </fieldset>
261  <!-- adultcheck -->
262  <fieldset>
263  <legend><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_ADULT_CHECK] <small>$lang[SIGNUP_ADULT_CHECK_SUBTEXT]</small>"; ?></legend>
264  <input type="hidden" value='0' name="signup_adultcheck">
265  <input type="checkbox" id="adultCheck" name="signup_adultcheck" class="form-control" value="1" title="<?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_ADULT_CHECK]"; ?>" <?php echo $adultCheckHtml; ?>>
266  <label for="adultCheck"><?php echo "$lang[ENABLE]?"; ?> <small><?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_ADULT_CHECK]"; ?></small></label>
267  </fieldset>
268  </div>
269  <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in" id="groups">
270  <fieldset>
271  <!-- SUBMIT BUTTON -->
272  <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right" value="<?php print $lang['SETTINGS_SAVE']; ?>">
273  <input type="hidden" name="sent" value="1">
274  </fieldset>
275  <!-- group selector -->
276  <fieldset>
277  <legend><i class="fa fa-users"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_GROUP_TITLE] <small>$lang[SIGNUP_GROUP_TITLE_SUBTEXT]</small>";?></legend>
278  <input type="radio" id="gidselect1" name="signup_gid" class="form-control" value="1" <?php echo $gidHtmlOn; ?>>
279  <label for="gidselect1"><?php print $lang['ENABLED']; ?> </label>&nbsp;&nbsp;<small><?php print $lang['OR']; ?></small>&nbsp;
280  <input type="radio" id="gidselect2" name="signup_gid" class="form-control" value="0" <?php echo $gidHtmlOff; ?>>
281  <label for="gidselect2"><?php print $lang['DISABLED']; ?> </label><br>
283  <select name="gid[]" class="form-control" aria-multiselectable="true" multiple>
284  <?php \YAWK\PLUGINS\SIGNUP\backend::getUserGroupSelector($db); ?>
285  </select><br><br>
286  <h4><a href="index.php?page=user-groups" title="<?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_GROUPSETTINGS_SUBTEXT]"; ?>">
287  <i class="fa fa-wrench"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_GROUPSETTINGS_EDIT]"; ?></a>
288  <small>(<?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_GROUPSETTINGS_SUBTEXT]"; ?>)</small></h4><br><br>
289  </fieldset>
290  <fieldset>
291  <legend><i class="fa fa-info"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[SIGNUP_GROUP_LEGEND_TEXT] <small>$lang[SIGNUP_GROUP_LEGEND_SUBTEXT]</small>";?></legend>
292  <select name="gid-legend" id="gid-legend" class="form-control">
293  <?php
294  \YAWK\PLUGINS\SIGNUP\backend::getGroupSelector($db);
295  ?>
296  </select>
297  <label for="gid-legend"><?php echo "$lang[SELECT_GROUP]"; ?></label>
298  <br><br>
300  <?php
301  $groupIDArray = user::getAllGroupIDs($db);
302  foreach ($groupIDArray as $gid){
303  echo "<!-- LEGEND INPUT FIELDS -->
304  <div id=\"$gid[0]_hidden\">
305  <label for=\"$gid[0]_hidden\">$gid[1] $lang[SIGNUP_LEGEND] <small class=\"text-muted\">$lang[SIGNUP_LEGEND_SUBTEXT]</small> </label><br>
306  <textarea name=\"signup_legend$gid[0]-long\" id=\"$gid[0]_hidden\" class=\"form-control\" cols=\"64\" rows=\"10\">";
307  echo \YAWK\settings::getLongSetting($db, "signup_legend$gid[0]-long"); echo"</textarea>
308  </div>";
309  }
310  echo "<!-- LEGEND INPUT FIELDS -->
311  <div id=\"0_hidden\">
312  <label for=\"0_hidden\">$lang[LEGEND] <small class=\"text-muted\">$lang[SIGNUP_LEGEND_SUBTEXT]</small> </label><br>
313  <textarea name=\"signup_legend0-long\" id=\"0_hidden\" class=\"form-control\" cols=\"64\" rows=\"10\">";
314  echo \YAWK\settings::getLongSetting($db, "signup_legend0-long"); echo"</textarea>
315  </div>";
317  ?>
318  </fieldset>
319  </div>
320  <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in" id="fields">
321  <fieldset>
322  <!-- SUBMIT BUTTON -->
323  <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right" value="<?php print $lang['SETTINGS_SAVE']; ?>">
324  <input type="hidden" name="sent" value="1">
325  </fieldset>
326  <!-- mandatory & additional fields -->
327  <fieldset>
328  <legend><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo $lang['MANDATORY_FIELDS']; ?> <small><?php echo $lang['THESE_ARE_REQUIRED']; ?></small></legend>
329  <input type="checkbox" id="username" name="username" checked="checked" class="form-control" title="<?php echo $lang['USERNAME']; ?>" disabled>
330  <label for="username"><?php echo $lang['USERNAME']; ?> <small class="text-danger"><?php echo $lang['REQUIRED']; ?></small></label><br>
331  <input type="checkbox" id="password" name="password" checked="checked" class="form-control" disabled>
332  <label for="password"><?php echo $lang['PASSWORD']; ?> <small class="text-danger"><?php echo $lang['REQUIRED']; ?></small> </label><br>
333  <input type="checkbox" id="terms" name="terms" checked="checked" class="form-control" disabled>
334  <label for="terms"><?php echo $lang['TERMS_OF_SERVICE']; ?> <small class="text-danger"><?php echo $lang['REQUIRED']; ?></small></label><br><br>
335  </fieldset>
336  <fieldset>
337  <legend><i class="fa fa-toggle-down"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo $lang['OPTIONAL']; ?> <small><?php echo $lang['OPTIONAL_SUBTEXT']; ?></small></legend>
338  <input type="hidden" value='0' name="signup_firstname">
339  <input type="checkbox" id="firstname" name="signup_firstname" class="form-control" value="1" title="<?php echo $lang['FIRSTNAME']; ?>" <?php echo $firstnameHtml; ?>>
340  <label for="firstname"><?php echo $lang['FIRSTNAME']; ?></label><br>
342  <input type="hidden" value='0' name="signup_lastname">
343  <input type="checkbox" id="lastname" name="signup_lastname" class="form-control" value="1" title="<?php echo $lang['LASTNAME']; ?>" <?php echo $lastnameHtml; ?>>
344  <label for="lastname"><?php echo $lang['LASTNAME']; ?></label><br>
346  <input type="hidden" value='0' name="signup_street">
347  <input type="checkbox" id="street" name="signup_street" class="form-control" value="1" title="<?php echo $lang['STREET']; ?>" <?php echo $streetHtml; ?>>
348  <label for="street"><?php echo $lang['STREET']; ?></label><br>
350  <input type="hidden" value='0' name="signup_zipcode">
351  <input type="checkbox" id="zipcode" name="signup_zipcode" class="form-control" value="1" title="<?php echo $lang['ZIPCODE']; ?>" <?php echo $zipcodeHtml; ?>>
352  <label for="zipcode"><?php echo $lang['ZIPCODE']; ?></label><br>
354  <input type="hidden" value='0' name="signup_city">
355  <input type="checkbox" id="city" name="signup_city" class="form-control" title="<?php echo $lang['CITY']; ?>" value="1" <?php echo $cityHtml; ?>>
356  <label for="city"><?php echo $lang['CITY']; ?></label><br>
358  <input type="hidden" value='0' name="signup_country">
359  <input type="checkbox" id="country" name="signup_country" class="form-control" value="1" title="<?php echo $lang['COUNTRY']; ?>" <?php echo $countryHtml; ?>>
360  <label for="country"><?php echo $lang['COUNTRY']; ?></label><br><br>
361  </fieldset>
362  </div>
363  <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in" id="text">
364  <fieldset>
365  <!-- SUBMIT BUTTON -->
366  <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right" value="<?php print $lang['SETTINGS_SAVE']; ?>">
367  <input type="hidden" name="sent" value="1">
368  </fieldset>
369  <!-- submit button text & style -->
370  <fieldset>
371  <legend><i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo $lang['SIGNUP_SUBMIT_BTN']; ?> <small><?php echo $lang['SIGNUP_SUBMIT_BTN_SUBTEXT']; ?></small></legend>
372  <label for="submittext"><?php echo $lang['SIGNUP_SUBMIT_BTN']." ".$lang['TEXT']; ?></label><br>
373  <input type="text" id="submittext" name="signup_submittext" class="form-control" value="<?php echo \YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_submittext");?>" title="<?php echo $lang['SIGNUP_SUBMIT_BTN']." ".$lang['TEXT']; ?>"><br>
374  <label for="submitstyle"><?php echo $lang['SIGNUP_SUBMIT_BTN']." ".$lang['SIGNUP_SUBMIT_BTN_SUBTEXT']; ?> <small><?php echo $lang['SIGNUP_SUBMIT_BTN_STYLES']; ?></small></label><br>
375  <input type="text" id="submitstyle" name="signup_submitstyle" class="form-control" value="<?php echo \YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_submitstyle");?>" title="<?php echo $lang['SIGNUP_SUBMIT_BTN']." ".$lang['SIGNUP_SUBMIT_BTN_SUBTEXT']; ?>">
376  <br><br><br>
377  </fieldset>
378  <!-- error / valid text color -->
379  <fieldset>
380  <legend><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-text-color"></i> &nbsp;<?php echo "$lang[COLORS] <small>$lang[SIGNUP_COLORS_SUBTEXT]</small>"; ?></legend>
381  <label for="formerror"><?php echo $lang['ERROR_TEXT_COLOR']; ?> <small>default: #<?php echo template::getTemplateSetting($db, "valueDefault", "form-error", $user, $template) ;?></small></label><br>
382  <input type="text" id="formerror" name="formerror-tpl" class="form-control color" value="<?php echo template::getTemplateSetting($db, "value", "form-error", $user, $template);?>" title="Error Text Color"><br>
383  <label for="formvalid"><?php echo $lang['VALID_TEXT_COLOR']; ?> <small>default: #<?php echo template::getTemplateSetting($db, "valueDefault", "form-valid", $user, $template) ;?></small></label><br>
384  <input type="text" id="formvalid" name="formvalid-tpl" class="form-control color" value="<?php echo template::getTemplateSetting($db, "value", "form-valid", $user, $template);?>" title="Valid Text Color"><br>
385  </fieldset>
386  </div>
387  <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade in" id="termstab">
388  <fieldset>
389  <!-- SUBMIT BUTTON -->
390  <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right" value="<?php print $lang['SETTINGS_SAVE']; ?>">
391  <input type="hidden" name="sent" value="1">
392  </fieldset>
393  <!-- terms of service settings -->
394  <fieldset>
395  <legend><i class="fa fa-legal"></i> &nbsp;<?php print $lang['TERMS_OF_SERVICE']; ?> <small><?php print $lang['SETTINGS']; ?></small></legend>
396  <label for="tos-long"><?php echo $lang['TOS_TITLE']; ?></label><br>
397  <textarea id="tos-long" name="signup_terms-long" class="form-control" cols="60" rows="10"><?php echo \YAWK\settings::getLongSetting($db, "signup_terms-long");?></textarea><br><br>
398  <label for="tospage"><?php echo $lang['TOS_FILENAME']; ?> <small>default: tos.html</small></label><br>
399  <input type="text" id="tospage" name="signup_tospage" size="40" class="form-control" value="<?php echo \YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_tospage");?>" title="Terms of Service Page Name"> .html<br><br>
400  <label for="tostext"><?php echo $lang['TOS_LINK_DESC']; ?> <small><?php echo $lang['TOS_LINK_DESC_SUBTEXT']; ?></small></label><br>
401  <input type="text" id="tostext" name="signup_tostext" size="40" class="form-control" value="<?php echo \YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_tostext");?>" title="Terms of Service Link Description"><br><br>
402  <label for="toscolor"><?php echo "$lang[LINK] $lang[COLOR]"; ?></label><br>
403  <input type="text" id="toscolor" name="signup_toscolor" class="form-control color" value="<?php echo \YAWK\settings::getSetting($db, "signup_toscolor");?>" title="Terms of Service Link Color"><br>
404  <br><br><br>
405  </fieldset>
406  </div>
407 </form>
409  </div>
410 </div>
$blog layout
Definition: blog-edit.php:370
static draw($type, $title, $text, $redirect, $delay)
Definition: alert.php:30
Mysqli database class; returns db connection object.
Definition: db.php:16
The language class - support multilingual backend.
Definition: language.php:17
static setSetting($db, $property, $value, $lang)
Set value for property into settings database.
Definition: settings.php:502
static getSetting($db, $property)
Get and return value for property from settings database.
Definition: settings.php:470
The template controller - get and set template settings.
Definition: template.php:16
The default user class. Provide all functions to handle the user object.
Definition: user.php:17
function a
Definition: browser.js:14
c jPlayer error
Definition: menu-new.php:35
This class serves methods to create backup from files.
Definition: AdminLTE.php:2
print $page title
Definition: page-edit.php:377
if(isset($_POST['sent'])) $layout
Definition: signup.php:98
print $lang['SETTINGS_SAVE']
Definition: signup.php:227
Definition: signup.php:301
Definition: signup.php:164
function i(e, t)
Definition: plyr.js:1
<!-- backend language -->< h3 >< i class="fa fa-language"></i > & nbsp
$template name
Definition: user-new.php:104