Yet another WebKit
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
if (m.browser) | |
Variables | |
c jPlayer | browser ={} |
function | c |
c jPlayer | convertTime |
c jPlayer | error |
c jPlayer | errorHint ={FLASH:"Check your swfPath option and that Jplayer.swf is there.",NO_SOLUTION:"Review the jPlayer options: support and supplied.",NO_SUPPORT:"Video or audio formats defined in the supplied option are missing.",URL:"Check media URL is valid.",URL_NOT_SET:"Use setMedia() to set the media URL.",VERSION:"Update jPlayer files."} |
c jPlayer | errorMsg |
c jPlayer | event |
function | h {c.fn.jPlayer=function(a){var b=typeof a==="string",d=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),f=this;a=!b&&d.length?c.extend.apply(null,[true,a].concat(d)):a;if(b&&a.charAt(0)==="_")return f;b?this.each(function(){var e=c.data(this,"jPlayer"),g=e&&c.isFunction(e[a])?e[a].apply(e,d):e;if(g!==e&&g!==h){f=g;return false}}):this.each(function(){var e=c.data(this,"jPlayer");if(e){e.option(a||{})._init();e.option(a||{})}else c.data(this,"jPlayer",new c.jPlayer(a,this))});return f} |
c jPlayer | htmlEvent =["loadstart","abort","emptied","stalled","loadedmetadata","loadeddata","canplaythrough","ratechange"] |
c | jPlayer |
var | m =c.jPlayer.uaMatch(navigator.userAgent) |
c jPlayer | pause |
c jPlayer | prototype |
c jPlayer | timeFormat ={showHour:false,showMin:true,showSec:true,padHour:false,padMin:true,padSec:true,sepHour:":",sepMin:":",sepSec:""} |
c jPlayer | uaMatch =function(a){a=a.toLowerCase();var b=/(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/,d=/(msie) ([\w.]+)/,f=/(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/;a=/(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||b.exec(a)||d.exec(a)||a.indexOf("compatible")<0&&f.exec(a)||[];return{browser:a[1]||"",version:a[2]||"0"}} |
c jPlayer | warning |
c jPlayer | warningHint ={CSS_SELECTOR_COUNT:"Check your css selector and the ancestor.",CSS_SELECTOR_METHOD:"Check your method name.",CSS_SELECTOR_STRING:"Check your css selector is a string.",OPTION_KEY:"Check your option name."}})(jQuery) |
c jPlayer | warningMsg ={CSS_SELECTOR_COUNT:"The number of methodCssSelectors found did not equal one: ",CSS_SELECTOR_METHOD:"The methodName given in jPlayer('cssSelector') is not a valid jPlayer method.",CSS_SELECTOR_STRING:"The methodCssSelector given in jPlayer('cssSelector') is not a String or is empty.",OPTION_KEY:"The option requested in jPlayer('option') is undefined."} |
if | ( | m. | browser | ) |
Definition at line 20 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
Definition at line 19 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
function c |
Definition at line 15 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
Definition at line 18 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
Definition at line 74 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
c jPlayer errorHint ={FLASH:"Check your swfPath option and that Jplayer.swf is there.",NO_SOLUTION:"Review the jPlayer options: support and supplied.",NO_SUPPORT:"Video or audio formats defined in the supplied option are missing.",URL:"Check media URL is valid.",URL_NOT_SET:"Use setMedia() to set the media URL.",VERSION:"Update jPlayer files."} |
Definition at line 76 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
Definition at line 75 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
Definition at line 16 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
function h {c.fn.jPlayer=function(a){var b=typeof a==="string",d=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),f=this;a=!b&&d.length?c.extend.apply(null,[true,a].concat(d)):a;if(b&&a.charAt(0)==="_")return f;b?this.each(function(){var e=c.data(this,"jPlayer"),g=e&&c.isFunction(e[a])?e[a].apply(e,d):e;if(g!==e&&g!==h){f=g;return false}}):this.each(function(){var e=c.data(this,"jPlayer");if(e){e.option(a||{})._init();e.option(a||{})}else c.data(this,"jPlayer",new c.jPlayer(a,this))});return f} |
Definition at line 15 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
c jPlayer htmlEvent =["loadstart","abort","emptied","stalled","loadedmetadata","loadeddata","canplaythrough","ratechange"] |
Definition at line 17 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
c jPlayer |
var m =c.jPlayer.uaMatch(navigator.userAgent) |
Definition at line 19 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
Definition at line 20 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
c jPlayer timeFormat ={showHour:false,showMin:true,showSec:true,padHour:false,padMin:true,padSec:true,sepHour:":",sepMin:":",sepSec:""} |
Definition at line 18 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
c jPlayer uaMatch =function(a){a=a.toLowerCase();var b=/(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/,d=/(msie) ([\w.]+)/,f=/(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/;a=/(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a)||b.exec(a)||d.exec(a)||a.indexOf("compatible")<0&&f.exec(a)||[];return{browser:a[1]||"",version:a[2]||"0"}} |
Definition at line 19 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
Definition at line 76 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
c jPlayer warningHint ={CSS_SELECTOR_COUNT:"Check your css selector and the ancestor.",CSS_SELECTOR_METHOD:"Check your method name.",CSS_SELECTOR_STRING:"Check your css selector is a string.",OPTION_KEY:"Check your option name."}})(jQuery) |
Definition at line 78 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.
c jPlayer warningMsg ={CSS_SELECTOR_COUNT:"The number of methodCssSelectors found did not equal one: ",CSS_SELECTOR_METHOD:"The methodName given in jPlayer('cssSelector') is not a valid jPlayer method.",CSS_SELECTOR_STRING:"The methodCssSelector given in jPlayer('cssSelector') is not a String or is empty.",OPTION_KEY:"The option requested in jPlayer('option') is undefined."} |
Definition at line 77 of file jquery.jplayer.min.js.