YaWK  24.1
Yet another WebKit
YAWK\webmail Class Reference

Integrated IMAP Webmail. More...

Public Member Functions

 deleteMessage ($imap, $folder, $uid)
 Delete a message. Requires imap handle, folder and uid of the mail to delete. More...
 drawFolders ($imap, $folders)
 Draw a list with all folders of this mailbox. More...
 drawHeaders ($emails, $currentFolder, $lang)
 Draw email headers (will be used to overview the email list) More...
 drawMailboxControls ($imap, $type, $uid, $folder, $lang)
 Draw mailbox control buttons (trash, reply, forward...) More...
 markAsFlagged ($imap, $uid)
 moveMessage ($imap, $folder, $targetFolder, $uid)
 Move a message from source to target folder. Requires imap handle, source folder, target folder and the mail UID to move. More...
 purgeTrash ($imap)
 Cleanup trash and spam folder (delete all messages in requested folder) More...
 removeFlags ($imap, $uid)

Public Attributes

 $connectionInfo = ''

Detailed Description

Integrated IMAP Webmail.

Integrated Webmail

YaWK includes a seamless integrated webmail. This means you can handle all emails of your website without leaving the backend. The seamless integration into the backend will help you with your daily work.

This class features all the basic webmail functions that are required to build the desired views. It also acts as wrapper for the imap client and serve some low-level API methods to move, purge, delete emails and more.

Beside this, this class serves methods to list folders and email headers / messages

Daniel Retzl danie.nosp@m.lret.nosp@m.zl@gm.nosp@m.ail..nosp@m.com
File available since Release 1.0.0

Definition at line 24 of file webmail.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ deleteMessage()

YAWK\webmail::deleteMessage (   $imap,

Delete a message. Requires imap handle, folder and uid of the mail to delete.

$imapobject imap connection resource
$folderstring the source folder from which to move the uid
$uidint|string the mail UID

Definition at line 85 of file webmail.php.

86  { /** @param $imap \SSilence\ImapClient\ImapClient */
88  // folder is not set or empty
89  if (!isset($folder) || (empty($folder)))
90  { // todo: add syslog call
91  // \YAWK\alert::draw("warning", "Warning", "Failed to delete email because there is no source folder set!", "", 0);
92  }
93  else
94  { // select current source folder
95  $imap->selectFolder($folder);
96  }
98  // mail uid is not set
99  if (!isset($uid) || (empty($uid)))
100  { // todo: add syslog call
101  // \YAWK\alert::draw("warning", "Warning", "Failed to delete email because there is no uid set!", "", 0);
102  }
104  // move email to target folder
105  if ($imap->deleteMessage($uid))
106  { // move email successful
107  return true;
108  }
109  else
110  { // move email failed
111  return false;
112  }
113  }
if(!isset($db)) $uid
Definition: actions.php:9
Definition: webmail.php:130

References $folder, $imap, and $uid.

◆ drawFolders()

YAWK\webmail::drawFolders (   $imap,

Draw a list with all folders of this mailbox.

$imapobject The current imap handle
$foldersarray The mailbox folders as array

Definition at line 243 of file webmail.php.

244  { // check if folder array is set
245  /* @param $imap \SSilence\ImapClient\Imapclient */
247  if (is_array($folders) || (!empty($folders)))
248  {
249  // sort folder array to bring inbox more upwards
250  ksort($folders);
252  // count unread messages in current folder
253  $unreadMessages = $imap->countUnreadMessages();
255  // init default active folder markup
256  $activeMarkupDefault = '';
258  // if all mails in this folder are seen
259  if ($unreadMessages > 0)
260  { // hide new mail label
261  $newMessagesLabel = "<span id=\"newMessagesLabel\" class=\"label label-success pull-right\">+ ".$unreadMessages."</span>";
262  }
263  else
264  {
265  $newMessagesLabel = "";
266  }
268  // walk through folders and display them
269  foreach ($folders as $folder => $item)
270  {
272  // select current folder
273  $imap->selectFolder($folder);
274  // and count messages within
275  $messageCount = $imap->countMessages();
277  // check if folder is requested via get param
278  if (isset($_GET['folder']) && (!empty($_GET['folder'])))
279  { // check, if folder is active (current equals request)
280  if ($folder === $_GET['folder'])
281  {
282  // set markup to view as active
283  $activeMarkup = " class=\"active\"";
284  $activeLabelNew = $newMessagesLabel;
285  $activeLabelInbox = '';
286  $activeLabelTotal = " <span id=\"messageCount_".$folder."\"><small>(".$messageCount.")</small></span>";
287  }
288  else
289  { // folder not active - no markup needed
290  $activeMarkup = '';
291  $activeLabelNew = '';
292  $activeLabelInbox = '';
293  $activeLabelTotal = " <span id=\"messageCount_".$folder."\"><small>(".$messageCount.")</small></span>";
294  }
295  }
296  else
297  { // page called w/o requested folder, set default (inbox) as active
298  $activeMarkup = "";
299  $activeLabelNew = "";
300  $activeLabelTotal = "";
301  $activeLabelInbox = $newMessagesLabel;
302  // $activeLabelInbox = "<span class=\"label label-success pull-right".$labelClass."\">+ ".$unreadMessages."</span>";
304  $activeLabelTotal = " <span id=\"messageCount_".$folder."\"><small>(".$messageCount.")</small></span>";
305  $activeMarkupDefault = " class=\"active\"";
306  }
309  // check folder value and set markup to display icons corresponding to the folder
310  if ($folder == "INBOX" || $folder == "inbox" || $folder == "Inbox")
311  { // set inbox icon
312  echo "<li '".$activeMarkup.$activeMarkupDefault."><a href=\"index.php?page=webmail&folder=$folder\"><i class=\"fa fa-inbox\"></i> $folder
313  ".$activeLabelNew." ".$activeLabelInbox." ".$activeLabelTotal." </a></li>";
314  }
316  else if ($folder == "SENT" || $folder == "sent" || $folder == "Sent")
317  { // set sent icon
318  echo "<li".$activeMarkup."><a href=\"index.php?page=webmail&folder=$folder\"><i class=\"fa fa-envelope-o\"></i> $folder
319  ".$activeLabelNew." ".$activeLabelTotal." </a></li>";
320  }
322  else if ($folder == "Drafts" || $folder == "drafts" || $folder == "DRAFTS")
323  { // set draft icon
324  echo "<li".$activeMarkup."><a href=\"index.php?page=webmail&folder=$folder\"><i class=\"fa fa-file-text-o\"></i> ".$folder."
325  ".$activeLabelNew." ".$activeLabelTotal." </a></li>";
326  }
328  else if ($folder == "Junk" || $folder == "junk" || $folder == "JUNK")
329  { // set junk icon
330  echo "<li".$activeMarkup."><a href=\"index.php?page=webmail&folder=$folder\"><i class=\"fa fa-filter\"></i> ".$folder."
331  ".$activeLabelNew." ".$activeLabelTotal." </a></li>";
332  }
334  else if ($folder == "Trash" || $folder == "trash" || $folder == "TRASH")
335  { // set trash icon
336  echo "<li".$activeMarkup."><a href=\"index.php?page=webmail&folder=$folder\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash-o\"></i> ".$folder."
337  ".$activeLabelNew." ".$activeLabelTotal." </a></li>";
338  }
340  else
341  { // any other folder: default folder icon
342  echo "<li".$activeMarkup."><a href=\"index.php?page=webmail&folder=$folder\"><i class=\"fa fa-folder-o\"></i> ".$folder."
343  ".$activeLabelNew." ".$activeLabelTotal." </a></li>";
344  }
345  }
346  }
347  else
348  { // folders array not set or empty
349  echo "Failed to draw folders because folders is not an array (or empty).";
350  }
351  }
if(!isset($language)||(!isset($lang))) $item
print $_GET['id']
Definition: page-edit.php:357

References $_GET, $folder, $imap, and $item.

◆ drawHeaders()

YAWK\webmail::drawHeaders (   $emails,

Draw email headers (will be used to overview the email list)

$emailsarray email headers
$currentFolderstring the current folder from where to get the emails
$langarray language array

Definition at line 360 of file webmail.php.

361  { // check, if email array is set and not empty
362  if (is_array($emails) && (!empty($emails)))
363  {
364  // walk through every email...
365  foreach ($emails as $item => $email)
366  {
367  // mail is new (not seen)
368  if ($email->header->seen === 0)
369  { // display it bold
370  $state = "setSeen";
371  $boldRow = "text-bold";
372  $seenIcon = "fa fa-envelope text-muted";
373  $seenLink = 'index.php?page=webmail&markAsRead=true&folder='.$currentFolder.'&msgno='.$email->header->msgno.'';
374  // $seenTooltip = 'data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" title="'.$lang['MARK_AS_READ'].'" data-original-title="'.$lang['MARK_AS_READ'].'"';
375  $seenTooltip = '';
376  $messageLink = 'index.php?page=webmail-message&folder='.$currentFolder.'&msgno='.$email->header->msgno.'';
377  $markAsReadIcon = '<a id="seenIconLink_'.$email->header->msgno.'" onclick="markAsSeen('.$email->header->msgno.', \''.$state.'\');return false;" href="#" '.$seenTooltip.'><i id="seenIcon_'.$email->header->msgno.'" class="'.$seenIcon.'"></i></a>';
378  }
379  else
380  { // message already seen
381  $state = "setUnseen";
382  $boldRow = "";
383  $seenIcon = "fa fa-envelope-open-o text-muted";
384  $seenLink = 'index.php?page=webmail&markAsUnread=true&folder='.$currentFolder.'&msgno='.$email->header->msgno.'';
385  // $seenTooltip = 'data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" title="'.$lang['MARK_AS_UNSEEN'].'" data-original-title="'.$lang['MARK_AS_UNSEEN'].'"';
386  $seenTooltip = '';
387  $messageLink = 'index.php?page=webmail-message&folder='.$currentFolder.'&msgno='.$email->header->msgno.'';
388  $markAsReadIcon = '<a id="seenIconLink_'.$email->header->msgno.'" onclick="markAsSeen('.$email->header->msgno.', \''.$state.'\');return false;" href="#" '.$seenTooltip.'><i id="seenIcon_'.$email->header->msgno.'" class="'.$seenIcon.'"></i></a>';
389  }
391  // get mail size
392  $size = \YAWK\filemanager::sizeFilter($email->header->size, 0);
394  // count attachments
395  $attachment = count ($email->attachments);
397  // check if attachment is set
398  if ($attachment >= 1)
399  { // set paperclip icon
400  $attachClip = '<b><i class="fa fa-paperclip"></i></b><br><small>'.$size.'</small>';
401  }
402  else
403  { // no paperclip
404  $attachClip = "";
405  }
407  // calculate human friendly time info
408  $timeAgo = \YAWK\sys::time_ago($email->header->date, $lang);
410  if ($currentFolder == "trash" || $currentFolder == "Trash" || $currentFolder == "TRASH")
411  {
412  $starIcon = '';
413  // set action icon to "RESTORE"
414  $markAsReadIcon = '<a id="moveIconLink_'.$email->header->uid.'" onclick="moveMessage('.$email->header->uid.', \''.$currentFolder.'\', \'Inbox\', );return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-undo text-dark" id="moveIcon_'.$email->header->uid.'"></i></a>';
415  // delete icon
416  $deleteIcon = '<a id="moveIconLink_'.$email->header->uid.'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" title="'.$lang['DELETE_FINALLY'].'" data-original-title="'.$lang['DELETE_FINALLY'].'" onclick="deleteMessage('.$email->header->uid.', \''.$currentFolder.'\');return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" id="moveIcon_'.$email->header->uid.'"></i></a>';
417  // spam icon
418  $spamIcon = '<a id="spamIconLink_'.$email->header->uid.'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" title="'.$lang['SPAM'].'" data-original-title="'.$lang['SPAM'].'" onclick="moveMessage('.$email->header->uid.', \''.$currentFolder.'\', \'Junk\');return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-filter" id="spamIcon_'.$email->header->uid.'"></i></a>';
419  }
420  elseif ($currentFolder == "junk" || $currentFolder == "Junk" || $currentFolder == "JUNK"
421  || $currentFolder == "spam" || $currentFolder == "Spam" || $currentFolder == "SPAM")
422  {
423  $deleteIcon = '<a id="moveIconLink_'.$email->header->uid.'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" title="'.$lang['RECYCLE_BIN'].'" data-original-title="'.$lang['RECYCLE_BIN'].'" onclick="moveMessage('.$email->header->uid.', \''.$currentFolder.'\', \'Trash\');return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" id="moveIcon_'.$email->header->uid.'"></i></a>';
424  // spam icon (move back to inbox)
425  $spamIcon = '<a id="spamIconLink_'.$email->header->uid.'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" title="'.$lang['MOVE_INBOX'].'" data-original-title="'.$lang['MOVE_INBOX'].'" onclick="moveMessage('.$email->header->uid.', \''.$currentFolder.'\', \'INBOX\');return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-inbox" id="spamIcon_'.$email->header->uid.'"></i></a>';
426  }
427  else
428  {
429  // in any other case:
430  $deleteIcon = '<a id="moveIconLink_'.$email->header->uid.'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" title="'.$lang['RECYCLE_BIN'].'" data-original-title="'.$lang['RECYCLE_BIN'].'" onclick="moveMessage('.$email->header->uid.', \''.$currentFolder.'\', \'Trash\');return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" id="moveIcon_'.$email->header->uid.'"></i></a>';
431  // spam icon
432  $spamIcon = '<a id="spamIconLink_'.$email->header->uid.'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" title="'.$lang['SPAM'].'" data-original-title="'.$lang['SPAM'].'" onclick="moveMessage('.$email->header->uid.', \''.$currentFolder.'\', \'Junk\');return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-filter" id="spamIcon_'.$email->header->uid.'"></i></a>';
433  }
435  // check if email is flagged
436  if ($email->header->flagged === 0)
437  { // if not, draw open star
438  $starIcon = '<a id="starIconLink_'.$email->header->uid.'" onclick="markAsFlagged('.$email->header->uid.', \'setFlagged\');return false;" href="#"><i id="starIcon_'.$email->header->uid.'" class="fa fa-star-o text-orange"></i></a>';
439  }
440  else
441  { // if mail is flagged, draw full star
442  $starIcon = '<a id="starIconLink_'.$email->header->uid.'" onclick="markAsFlagged('.$email->header->uid.', \'setUnFlagged\');return false;" href="#"><i id="starIcon_'.$email->header->uid.'" class="fa fa-star text-orange"></i></a>';
443  }
445  // echo "<pre>";
446  // print_r($email);
447  // echo "</pre>";
448  // display every email as single table row
449  echo '
450  <tr id="emailRow_'.$email->header->uid.'">
451  <td><div class="icheckbox_flat-blue" aria-checked="false" aria-disabled="false" style="position: relative;"><input type="checkbox" style="position: absolute; opacity: 0;"><ins class="iCheck-helper" style="position: absolute; top: 0%; left: 0%; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 0px; opacity: 0;"></ins></div></td>
452  <td class="mailbox-star">'.$markAsReadIcon.'</td>
453  <td class="mailbox-star">'.$starIcon.'</td>
454  <td id="mailboxName_'.$email->header->msgno.'" class="mailbox-name '.$boldRow.'" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="window.location=\''.$messageLink.'\';"><a href="#">'.$email->header->from.'</a>
455  <br><small>'.$email->header->details->from[0]->mailbox.'@'.$email->header->details->from[0]->host.'</small></td>
456  <td id="mailboxSubject_'.$email->header->msgno.'" class="mailbox-subject '.$boldRow.'" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="window.location=\''.$messageLink.'\';">'.$email->header->subject.'</td>
457  <td class="mailbox-attachment text-center">'.$attachClip.'</td>
458  <td class="mailbox-date">'.substr($email->header->date, 0, -6).'<br><small>'.$timeAgo.'</small></td>
459  <td class="mailbox-star">'.$spamIcon.'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$deleteIcon.'</td>
460  </tr>';
462  }
463  }
464  else
465  {
466  // echo "<b>This folder is empty.</b>";
467  }
468  }
print $lang['FILEMAN_UPLOAD']
moveMessage($imap, $folder, $targetFolder, $uid)
Move a message from source to target folder. Requires imap handle, source folder, target folder and t...
Definition: webmail.php:36
function window
Definition: fuckAdBlock.js:8
function b(a)
Definition: browser.js:14
function o(e, t, n)
Definition: plyr.js:1
print $tourdates date
Definition: user-new.php:94

References $email, $item, $lang, b(), date, YAWK\webmail\moveMessage(), o(), and window.

◆ drawMailboxControls()

YAWK\webmail::drawMailboxControls (   $imap,

Draw mailbox control buttons (trash, reply, forward...)

$imapobject imap object
$typestring inbox|message| select proper button set which to display
$uidint the current email uid to work with
$folderstring the current folder (to detect if folder is trash)
$langarray language array

Definition at line 141 of file webmail.php.

142  {
143  /** @param $imap \SSilence\ImapClient\ImapClient */
144  // check if uid is set
145  if (!isset($uid) || (empty($uid)))
146  { // set uid to zero
147  $uid = 0;
148  }
149  // check if folder is set (required for correct delete action)
150  if (!isset($folder) || (empty($folder)))
151  { // set folder to inbox
152  $folder = "INBOX";
153  }
155  // check if type is set
156  if (isset($type) && (is_string($type)))
157  { // check, which type of button set is wanted
158  switch ($type)
159  {
160  // button iconset for message overview
161  case "inbox":
162  // if current folder is trash...
163  if ($folder == "trash" || ($folder == "Trash"))
164  { // link: do not move to trash, DELETE finally
165  $deleteClassicLink = "index.php?page=webmail&purgeTrash=true";
166  $deleteLink = '<a id="moveIconLink_'.$uid.'" onclick="moveMessage('.$uid.', \''.$_GET['folder'].'\', \''.$folder.'\');return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" id="moveIcon_'.$uid.'"></i></a>';
167  $deleteClass = "btn btn-default btn-sm";
168  $refreshClass = "btn btn-default btn-sm hidden";
169  $markAsReadClass = "btn btn-default btn-sm checkbox-toggle hidden";
170  }
171  else
172  { // move to trash link
173  $deleteClassicLink = "index.php?page=webmail&moveMessage=true&folder=".$folder."&targetFolder=Trash&uid=".$uid."";
174  if (!isset($_GET['folder']) || (empty($_GET['folder']))) { ($folder = 'Inbox'); } else { ($folder = $_GET['folder']); }
175  $deleteLink = '<a id="moveIconLink_'.$uid.'" onclick="moveMessage('.$uid.', \''.$folder.'\', \'Trash\');return false;" href="#"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" id="moveIcon_'.$uid.'"></i></a>';
176  $deleteClass = "btn btn-default btn-sm hidden";
177  $refreshClass = "btn btn-default btn-sm";
178  $markAsReadClass = "btn btn-default btn-sm checkbox-toggle";
180  }
181  echo "
182  <div class=\"mailbox-controls\">
183  <!-- Check all button -->
184  <a href=\"#\" class=\"".$markAsReadClass."\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[MARK_ALL_AS_READ]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[MARK_ALL_AS_READ]\"><i class=\"fa fa-square-o\"></i></a>
185  <div class=\"btn-group\">";
186  // echo $deleteLink;
187  // classic link
188  echo "<a href=\"".$deleteClassicLink."\" id=\"icon-trash\" class=\"".$deleteClass."\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[DELETE_ALL]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[DELETE_ALL]\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash-o\"></i> &nbsp;Empty Trash</a>
189  <a href=\"index.php?page=webmail\" id=\"icon-refresh\" class=\"".$refreshClass."\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[REFRESH]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[REFRESH]\"><i class=\"fa fa-refresh\"></i></a>
190  </div>
191  <!-- /.btn-group -->
192  <!-- additional buttons: settings + new mail -->
193  <div class=\"pull-right\">
194  <a href=\"index.php?page=settings-webmail\" id=\"icon-settings\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[SETTINGS]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[SETTINGS]\"><i class=\"fa fa-gear\"></i></a>
195  <a href=\"index.php?page=webmail-compose\" id=\"icon-compose\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[EMAIL_COMPOSE]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[EMAIL_COMPOSE]\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i></a>
196  <!-- /.btn-group -->
197  </div>
198  </div>";
199  break;
201  // button iconset for wwbmail-message page
202  case "message":
203  // if current folder is trash...
204  if ($folder == "trash" || ($folder == "Trash"))
205  { // link: do not move to trash, DELETE finally
206  $deleteLink = "index.php?page=webmail&purgeTrash=true";
207  $deleteClass = "btn btn-default btn-sm";
208  }
209  else
210  { // move to trash link
211  // $deleteLink = "index.php?page=webmail&moveMessage=true&folder=".$folder."&targetFolder=Trash&uid=".$uid."";
212  $deleteClass = "btn btn-default btn-sm";
213  if (!isset($_GET['folder']) || (empty($_GET['folder']))) { ($folder = 'Inbox'); } else { ($folder = $_GET['folder']); }
214  $deleteLink = '<a id="moveIconLink_'.$uid.'" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" onclick="moveMessage('.$uid.', \''.$folder.'\', \'Trash\');return false;" href="#" title="'.$lang['DELETE'].'" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" data-original-title="'.$lang['DELETE'].'"><i class="fa fa-trash-o" id="moveIcon_'.$uid.'"></i></a>';
215  }
216  echo "
217  <div class=\"mailbox-controls\">
218  <div class=\"btn-group\">
219  <a id=\"btn-markAsUnseen\" href=\"index.php?page=webmail-message&markAsUnread=true&folder=".$_GET['folder']."&msgno=".$_GET['msgno']."\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[MARK_AS_UNSEEN]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[MARK_AS_UNSEEN]\"><i class=\"fa fa-envelope\" id=\"icon-markAsUnseen\"></i></a>
220  ";
221  echo $deleteLink;
223  // <a href=\"".$deleteLink."\" id=\"icon-delete\" class=\"".$deleteClass."\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[DELETE]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[DELETE]\"><i class=\"fa fa-trash-o\"></i></a>
224  echo "<a id=\"icon-reply\" href=\"#summernote\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[REPLY]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[REPLY]\"><i class=\"fa fa-reply\"></i></a>
225  <a href=\"index.php?page=webmail\" id=\"icon-forward\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[FORWARD]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[FORWARD]\"><i class=\"fa fa-mail-forward\"></i></a>
226  <a href=\"#\" id=\"icon-print\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"$lang[PRINT]\" data-original-title=\"$lang[PRINT]\"><i class=\"fa fa-print\"></i></a>
227  </div>
228  <div class=\"btn-group pull-right\">
229  <a href=\"index.php?page=webmail-compose\" id=\"icon-compose\" class=\"btn btn-default btn-sm\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-container=\"body\" title=\"\" data-original-title=\"Email verfassen\"><i class=\"fa fa-plus\"></i></a>
230  </div>
231  <!-- /.btn-group -->
232  </div>";
233  break;
234  }
235  }
236  }

References $_GET, $folder, $lang, $type, $uid, YAWK\webmail\moveMessage(), and o().

◆ markAsFlagged()

YAWK\webmail::markAsFlagged (   $imap,

Mark email as flagged


Definition at line 477 of file webmail.php.

478  {
479  // /** @param $imap \SSilence\ImapClient\ImapClient */
480  return imap_setflag_full($imap, $uid, "\\Flagged", ST_UID);
481  }

◆ moveMessage()

YAWK\webmail::moveMessage (   $imap,

Move a message from source to target folder. Requires imap handle, source folder, target folder and the mail UID to move.

$imapobject imap connection resource
$folderstring the source folder from which to move the uid
$targetFolderstring the target folder where to move the uid
$uidint|string the mail UID

Definition at line 36 of file webmail.php.

37  { /** @param $imap \SSilence\ImapClient\ImapClient */
39  // check email uid
40  if (!isset($uid) || (empty($uid)))
41  { // no uid set
42  return false;
43  // todo: add syslog call
44  // \YAWK\alert::draw("warning", "Warning", "Failed to delete email because there is no uid set!", "", 0);
45  }
47  // check target folder
48  if (!isset($targetFolder) || (empty($targetFolder)))
49  { // target folder not set or empty
50  return false;
51  // todo: add syslog call
52  // \YAWK\alert::draw("warning", "Warning", "Failed to delete email because there is no target folder set!", "", 0);
53  }
55  // check source folder
56  if (!isset($folder) || (empty($folder)))
57  {
58  // folder is not set or empty
59  return false;
60  // todo: add syslog call
61  // \YAWK\alert::draw("warning", "Warning", "Failed to delete email because there is no source folder set!", "", 0);
62  }
63  else
64  { // select current source folder
65  $imap->selectFolder($folder);
66  }
68  // move email to target folder
69  if ($imap->moveMessage($uid, $targetFolder))
70  { // move email successful
71  return true;
72  }
73  else
74  { // move email failed
75  return false;
76  }
77  }

References $folder, $imap, and $uid.

Referenced by YAWK\webmail\drawHeaders(), and YAWK\webmail\drawMailboxControls().

◆ purgeTrash()

YAWK\webmail::purgeTrash (   $imap)

Cleanup trash and spam folder (delete all messages in requested folder)

$imapobject imap connection resource

Definition at line 120 of file webmail.php.

121  { /** @param $imap \SSilence\ImapClient\ImapClient */
122  // move email to target folder
123  if ($imap->purge() == true)
124  { // purge successful
125  return true;
126  }
127  else
128  { // purge failed
129  return false;
130  }
131  }

References $imap.

◆ removeFlags()

YAWK\webmail::removeFlags (   $imap,

Clear flags from email


Definition at line 489 of file webmail.php.

490  {
491  return imap_clearflag_full($imap, $uid, "\\Flagged", ST_UID);
492  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ $connectionInfo

YAWK\webmail::$connectionInfo = ''
stringinformation about the connection

Definition at line 27 of file webmail.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: