Yet another WebKit
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Functions | |
document | ready (function() { $(function() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip();});initTimer();function initTimer(){ var myTimer=0;$("#installerForm").on('keydown', function() { if(myTimer) { clearTimeout(myTimer);} myTimer=setTimeout(function() { checkForm();}, 200);});} function checkForm(){ $('#installerForm').validate({ errorPlacement:function(error, element) { error.insertBefore(element);}, rules:{ USERNAME:{ minlength:4, maxlength:48, remote:{ url:"system/plugins/signup/js/check-username.php", type:"post" } }, EMAIL:{ email:true, maxlength:128 }, PASSWORD:{ minlength:4, maxlength:48 }, PASSWORD2:{ minlength:4, maxlength:48, equalTo:"#PASSWORD" } }, messages:{ USERNAME:{ remote:"Please select another username. " }, PASSWORD2:{ equalTo:"Passwords do not match. " } } });} }) |
document ready | ( | function() { $(function() { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip();});initTimer();function initTimer(){ var myTimer=0;$("#installerForm").on('keydown', function() { if(myTimer) { clearTimeout(myTimer);} myTimer=setTimeout(function() { checkForm();}, 200);});} function checkForm(){ $('#installerForm').validate({ errorPlacement:function(error, element) { error.insertBefore(element);}, rules:{ USERNAME:{ minlength:4, maxlength:48, remote:{ url:"system/plugins/signup/js/check-username.php", type:"post" } }, EMAIL:{ email:true, maxlength:128 }, PASSWORD:{ minlength:4, maxlength:48 }, PASSWORD2:{ minlength:4, maxlength:48, equalTo:"#PASSWORD" } }, messages:{ USERNAME:{ remote:"Please select another username. " }, PASSWORD2:{ equalTo:"Passwords do not match. " } } });} } | ) |